Saturday, 9 July 2011

Wedding waffle and naptime.

If you'd told me before I would NEVER have believed you! Today, I've been dress shopping, just to get some idea of what I want, what suits etc. It's now 9:30 and I'm in bed!

Anyway, I wanted to show you a LO... Yup, told you I'd done some scrapping! It was for a Colour Combo's challenge, quite a recent one. I would link it directly, but the page hasn't been moved to the archives yet!

The flourish punch is a recent aquisition and I appear to have an obsession punching things with it. I've not used much on any LO's, it's just the punching I seem to enjoy!

I'm hoping to get back in the scraproom tomorrow, but we shall see. But for now, it is bedtime!


vixen said...

Gorgeous LO, love the photo and the colours :)

Dan said...

What a cute photo! Great LO :)

Anonymous said...

Cute kitty, love the twine.

Winnie said...

Cute page! Love the photo too. :D