Monday, 11 July 2011

Testing... testing... Anybody there??

I've been told my comments link isn't working. Guess what... it wasn't. So, I've had a look, not really done anything and it now appears to be working... Blogger is sometimes a tempremental beast! Anyone care to comment, see if we can get anywhere?

ETA: It's let me post one this time... Let's see how we get on! *lol* Let me know if there is a problem : email me -


Jenny said...

Testing... testing...

vixen said...

hello :)

Carmen said...

Yay :)

Am a bit behind on my blogging - lots going on (are you on my FB? I explain all on there). So am just catching up. Love your new look bloggy blog :D

Claire said...

Yay! we have comments, blogger can be a moody b@&&£r at times.