Friday, 17 May 2013

Forecast Friday: Mopping Up Puddles

So, having gone to leave the house yesterday morning and stuck my foot in a puddle, I have discovered a leak. From the radiator... Having mopped it all up, today, I'm waiting in for the plumber. The joy!

There is one bonus, it's Food Revolution Day. Sadly, I can't make any of the events, but I can have a play in my kitchen. Today's plan is some bulk meal prep. Anyone who has seen my Facebook account recently will probably have noticed my current Food Tube obsession (it's *way* better then Jeremy Kyle!!!) I discovered an old favourite of mine, Steak and Guinness Pie. (I have the book!) So my kitchen currently looks like this:

I'm using Black Sheep Ale rather than Guinness, because that's what I have in

And some gorgeous stewing beef (just over 1kg)

It's been cooked for 10 mins and is currently cooling. I'll be portioning it up and freezing it... When I'm ready to use it, it's going in the slow cooker on low while I'm at work. Then I'll do the pie bit. That's the plan anyway.

And to cheer me on my way, I have FRD live stream on YouTube.