Sunday, 10 April 2011

Is it really nearly Monday???

Sadyl, it would appear so. Much to my disappointment. I've been *uber* busy this weekend, Friday was study day, with a crafty interlude between 3-7 pm. I did four LO's but haven't photographed them. Saturday, work followed by a wedding fair (we have our venue! (pending confirmation)) and alot of discussion. Sunday, car hunting and another wedding fair. I'm consoling myself with having the Church and Venue sorted by Tuesday I don't have to do anything until after my exams.

So since I've no LO piccies, I'm going to continue holibob snaps. Today: River Surfing. Note to others; this is a really physically draining activity, silly awesome fun, but I was knackered!!! You basically go down a grade 2 white water rapid on a body board. If you want to know more, click here. If you'd rather watch me and the boy going through it, keep reading!!!
Heres our group at the beginning:

And the compulsary silly shot

The guides for this venture were really rather cute and sadly not phtographed enough, but this photo of me crashing (yup, they're a bugger to steer) has the rather cute Bjorn in the background, complete with sexy Swedish accent! ^_^

Here's me looking super attentive, although I'm surprised I'm not drooling!!!

And some action shots:

And, super cool video, there is more, but I'm not sure how it will effect the loading time of my blog!

Although, seriously, if you get the chance, try it!

On an odd not, I'm thinking of moving Inky Paws over to Wordpress... I would value ANY input/opinions please!!!


Sandra said...

oh my word, I'm sooo impressed. Looks like you had just the most amazing time :)

I'm also a little shocked! 4 layouts in 4 hours ... now you're just showing off LOL. I can't complete usually 1 in a whole day at a crop LOL.

Sorry, I'm not going to be much help on the wordpress question, I don't know too much about it :) Enjoy your Monday.

Winnie said...

Sounds like you've had a busy weekend! River surfing sounds really interesting! You really did have an adventure packed NZ holiday!! Sorry I can't help you with Wordpress, I've only ever used Blogger.

Claire said...

It is now actually Monday! :( 4 layouts? please come round & show me how you do that so fast? your holiday snaps are fab & yay! for booking wedding venues :)(buy him a mankini for the honeymoon, put it in his case as a surprise for him when he gets there ;D LOL Mwhahahaha)

salamanda said...

Wow that looks great fun, nearest I ever got was white water rafting and DH and DD went in a ball down rapids.