Wednesday, 12 January 2011

JYC 2010 Part 2 and the tash...

I started it, and haven't done too badly. Just 9 pages to finish it!

The photos ain't all that good, but I'm sure you'll all cope! *lol* Here's pages 4-10 (for 1-3, click here)

I'll apologise now as I cannot be bothered to crop and edit them!! *lol*

And just so you can see what I mean about the tash (if The Boy spots this he will lynch me!)
Ok, so I just want sympathy, but for some obscure reason, he's determined to keep it!!! *cry*


Sandra said...

well, I LOVE the journal .. and I feel for your about the tash LOL. Mind you, if it keeps him happy :)

Claire said...

Love the journal Jenny, it's gorgeous, as for the tash, well, you have 3 options: 1,keep calling him Borat:D lol. 2, shave it off when he's asleep, or 3, learn to love it. Good luck with that :D lol

Carmen said...

Oh no no no no no. Oh Jenny. withold smooching rights!

The book is gorgeous - you've done a n amazing job on it.

Claire said...

Tell me you shaved his tash off when he was sleeping (if not you're a better woman than me lol) I've given you a mention on my blog as you gave me the idea for this particular project... thanks for the inspiration :D