Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Titles, tiles, titles.

Well, I'm back safe, unpacked and want to go back! For those of you wondering, I spent my weekend at the Go-Go Getaway. I had an amazing time and can't thank the ladies of Team Go-go enough.

Gushing over, I'm after some help. I've two LO's from the classes that I need a title for. I've hummed and ahhed for a few days, and it just isn't coming to me. So, I'd appreciate some assistance.

If you've any ideas, any at all, PLEASE leave a comment! I don't tend to add journalling to class LO's like these, I use them for inspiration and techniques so don't worry about the 'story' behind the photos.

I have some awesome LO's to add to my albums and another round of happy memories (along with a lighter purse and much heavier bag!) And since I do have some more projects from the weekend, this blog will be a go-go dedicated area for a few posts, hope you don't mind!