Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Scapfest - with Jennie Bowlin

So, I was on about my little weekend scrapfest. I have another LO to show you and a challenge to share - not my challenge I must add, although I might set one... one day. Jennie Bowlin had an online crop this weekend and there were several challenges included.

As you might now, I tend to avoid journalling. It's something I'm trying to remedy, so I went for the journalling challenge - journal on at least 1/3 of your page

I truly love this page. I've used both the paper and photo on a LO which I dismantled because I didn't like it at all. The paper was in my 'use it or loose it' pile so I decided to give it one last try. I'm so thrilled with the results.

 Funny story - when making your title, write it out first, it would have saved me spelling and sticking down 'squaddie' as 'squddie' and prevented some careful peeling too!

Just a quick note on challenges:
I found the secret to online crops & challenges is to CHOOSE YOUR CHALLENGE and don't try to do them all. Every time I go for them all, I hate the pages, ALL of them. So I urge you to choose something that is a challenge (that said, if you can rattle out a page an hour, by all means go for them all!) and to create a LO you are happy with rather than 10 you don't like.

There are prizes up for grabs with this and the deadline is 30th Oct 2011 @ 3pm CST. Which I *believe* is 9pm GMT... Please don't shoot me if I'm wrong!

So, I hope you take a look and get some inspiration. Or failing that, get a chuckle from my journalling!


beksynormz said...

Great page Jen and not just cos of the pic *honest*!!!! the journalling really made e chuckle! Xx

My not so simple life said...

love the journalling. :) ive got this paper somewhere, love what you did with it